It is also often referred to as implicit or procedural knowledge of grammar. Subconscious grammatical competence refers to grammar knowledge that has undergone an internalization process to a degree that the learners are able to string words into sentences in a relatively good speed. The research question, then, was formulated as: How can the studennts’ subconscious grammar competence be improved using semantico-syntactic practice?

Therefore, the study was aimed at improving the competence. This was likely due to their lack of grammatical competence, particularly subconscious grammar competence. The present study was conducted to respond to the students’ low ability to process English language syntactically.

Key words: subconscious grammar competence, Semantico-Syntactic Translation Practice Thesis, English Education, Graduate Program of State University of Malang. SyntacticTranslation Practice for Students of Accounting Department, State Polytechnic of Malang. Improving Subconscious Grammar Competence using Semantico. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2010 Improving subconscious grammar competence using semantico-syntactic translation practice for students of accounting departement state polytechnic of Malang / Futuh Handoyo- (Read : 4 Times)